Smart Solution in Driving and Street

Posted on November 12, 2015 at 3:24 PM


This project is regarding to the transportation in Indonesia. Hopefully this project will give the user can be easier to know about the situation of the street our route that they wanna go. They can know the air condition of the place is clear or already pollute with CO or not. So we can predict there are any traffic jam or no in that area by the measure of the CO detector that measure the CO concentration. The user can ask the weather forecast too.


  1. Full name              :  Ahmed Diaz Ravan
  2. Nick name            :  Ahmed atau Diaz
  3. Place, Born date   :  Bogor, 1 January 1998
  4. Gender                 :  Male
  5. Religion                :  Moeslim
  6. House                   :  Dove
  7. Handphone number:  +6287741211994 (WA only)
  8. Email                    :
  9. Facebook              :  Ahmed Diaz Ravan
  10. Twitter                   :  @ahmeddiazr


2013 – ....   : SMA Sampoerna Academy Boarding School

2010 – 2013         : SMP Negeri 1 Ciawi

2004 – 2010         : SD Negeri 1 Caringin

2002 – 2004         : TK Al-Mukhlisin


  1. BEI Workshop (2015)
  2. Entrepreneurship Camp and Seminar (2014 & 2015)
  3. Participant LKIR (Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah) 2015
  4. Participant Seminar OLA (Observasi Luar Angkasa) 5 (2015)
  5. 1st winner of OPSI (Olimpiade Penelitian Siswa Indonesia) Kab. Bogor (2015)
  6. Rank 59 National Programming and Logic Competition (2015)
  7. 1st winner of Lomba Film INDIKATAMA UI (2014)
  8. 100 Besar Duta Bahasa Pelajar Jawa Barat (2014)
  9. Rank 11 of German Olympiad Kab. Bogor (2014)
  10. Participant German Olympiad Prov. Jawa Barat (2014)
  11. Participant of Science Trip to Garuda maintenence facillities (2014)
  12. Semifinalist of ISCO (2015)
  13. Semifinalist of Venol (2015)
  14. Semifinalist of LKTIN Bakti Formica (2014)
  15. Semifinalist Insight Challenge (2015)









Smart Traffic Lamp Integrate with Smart Helm with Wireless Fidelity ESP 8266 for Pollution and Weather Informer



Literature Review


This proposal purpose is to join IoT competition 2015



Ahmed Diaz Ravan





The Aims of the Idea

The aim of this product are:

  • First, give the user any information about pollution that held around the user area. The focus pollution is CO case that usually found in the street. So the user will know when they should use any masker to prevent the diseases from the CO case.
  • Second, give the user any information about any traffic jam that appear around the user areas.
  • Then, give the user information about any weather forecast for the areas around the user.
  • The last, it can become the user map.


Overview about the Idea

Smart traffic lamp is a tool or a machine that locate at traffic lamp and this tool use solar energy for the energy. The tool will connect to the CO detector, and when the number of CO that measure by the CO detector is overlap the capacity, the tool will give a signal for arduino WiFi to send any information or tweet to the twitter that the number of CO has increase, and the helm will receive it and tell to the user by headset bluetooh. This tool also can give any information about weather forecast and traffic jam around the user areas. So it will help the user while driving their transportation.


The first method that we use for the first is literature review. I learn how the tool will run. I learn to code with Java to make the apps for the helm, because I hope the helm can integrate to the smart traffic lamp directly and can receive the information from the smart traffic lamp. This tool will run if the coding is correct and the hardware are doing right.

Time frame

For the total of the day that I need is around 1 month if I doing effectively to make this tools. Because the hardest problems are about the coding when make the app and make the helm and traffic lamp are integrate.


For the total budget itself, I divided into 2 budget. First is when make the smart traffic lamp and second is when make the helm that will integrate to the traffic lamp.

Smart Traffic Lamp

Smart Helm

Solar panel

Rp 200.000

Framework of Helm

Rp 150.000

CO detector

Rp 150.000

Small headset bluetooth

Rp 65.000

The frame work

Rp 100.000


Rp 55.000

Arduino Wifi Shield

Rp 800.000

Helm Tracker

Rp 100.000

Small prosesor and RAM

Rp 200.000

Solar panel

Rp 200.000

Electric material

Rp 50.000


Rp 570.000


Rp 1.400.000

Total Budget

Rp 1.970.000

Design and Scheme

See the main Image

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